
  • 软件大小: 26.74MB
  • 软件语言: 简体中文
  • 软件类别: 国外软件 | 媒体制作
  • 运行环境: Win9x/NT/2000/XP/2003/
  • 授权方式: 免费版
  • 软件等级:
  • 更新时间: 2008/10/2 19:05:40
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    Multimedia Builder  v4.9.8 简体中文特别版

    Multimedia Builder Multimedia Builder 是一套创造交互式多媒体光盘自动播放程序的可视化工具。在可视化的对象导向环境下,即使你不会写程序,使用此软件可让你轻易地创造出专业级的光盘自动播放程序。
    你可以将文字、图形、声音和视讯对象整合到你的工作中。可使用多样的动作来执行程序,例如:播放声音、显示视讯、浏览网站、浏览光盘、显示文件、开启辅助文件、传送电子邮件....等。支持多波道声音、按钮阴影和其它效果、自订窗口形状、支持所有通用的图形格式、对齐工具、背景位图、卷动段落文字、支持 Direct 音效和光盘音讯。

    Easy to learn, Non-expensive Multimedia Authoring Software
    With MMB you can develop autorun menus, multimedia apps, or front-ends for your CD's* without having to spend months learning complex programming languages.

    Make an autorun for your CD-ROM or DVD*
    If you are already distributing software on CD-ROM or DVD, creating your own CD-Audio or making your MP3 CD you will love this easy-to-use, intuitive software.

    Fast Multimedia applications in minutes !

    Create multimedia applications with graphic, text, sounds, MP3 ,Video, supporting CD Audio or Mixed-mode CD's, executing applications and much more...
    Apply many cool effects to your images.

    MMB has many great features...
    MMB creates small stand-alone exe applications and has many bells & whistles you will ever need.
    Create a cool looking app or small game and send it to all your friends


    关键字: Multimedia Builder 简体中文特别版


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