
  • 软件大小: 8.25MB
  • 软件语言: 英文
  • 软件类别: 国外软件 | 系统其它
  • 运行环境: 2000/Xp/2003/Vista/Win7
  • 授权方式: 免费版
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  • 更新时间: 2011/6/20 11:03:25
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    Asus PC Probe II

    Asus PC Probe 是华硕根据自己的产品进行研发的主板探测器,Asus PC Probe可以帮助用户了解CPU当前的温度、工作频率、散热风扇的转速、主板的各项电压等关键信息,Asus PC Probe可以通过系统监控各关键发热元件的工作温度及运行状态,自行设定报警、强行关机等状态。

    The ASUS PC Probe is a simple utility that monitors vital information in the computer such as fan rototations, voltages and temperature.
    You need to have an Asus motherboard on your system.

    Additionally, it gives system information such as hard disk space, memory usage, CPU type and processor speed.

    After installation, the application resides in the taskbar and provides audio warning through the PC speakers if certain thresholds such as temperature and voltage have been exceeded.

    If your system is overclocked, remember to raise the appropriate warning limits or face frequent warning pop-ups.

    关键字: ASUS ProbeII


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