
  • 软件大小: 658KB
  • 软件语言: 简体中文
  • 软件类别: 汉化补丁 | 磁盘工具
  • 运行环境: Xp/Vista/Win7/Win8/WinAll
  • 授权方式: 免费版
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  • 更新时间: 2018/12/27 13:38:45
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    WinImage是一个强大的磁盘实用工具,WinImage 它允许用户创建一张软盘的映像,从映像中提取文件,创建一个空的映像,把一个镜象恢复到空白的软盘上,等等。 它还支持很多标准和非标准的磁盘格式,包括微软的DMF格式。它如同Ghost是一套可将文件或是文件夹制成Image文件的程序,然后完整复制至另一硬 盘的工具,它与Ghost不同的是,它可直接将映像文件分割成数快存储至A磁盘中,另外程序提供制作与还原程序、使用起来相当的方便。

    Make a disk image from a floppy, extract files from image
    WinImage is a powerful disk utility that enables users to make a disk images from a floppy, extract files from image, make an empty image, put the image on blank disk, etc...

    WinImage will support many different standard and non-standard formats, including Microsoft DMF format.

    Here are some key features of "WinImage":

    WinImage has many cool features:
    · Make a disk image from a floppy
    · Extract file(s) from an image
    · Create empty disks
    · Inject files and directories into an image
    · change an image format
    · Defragment an image
    · Support for non-standard formats (DMF, 1.68MB...)
    · Powerful "Batch assistant" mode that lets you automate many operations.

    WinImage professional adds all these features to WinImage standard:
    · Self extractor with an unlimited redistribution license.
    · File Properties - allows modification of file dates within an image file.
    · You can export the directory of the current image file as plain text or HTML.
    · Printing of the contents of the image file
    · Editable boot sector properties (i.e. load another boot sector file, manually edit text in the boot sector...)
    · Supports the creation of large images of removable and hard disks under Windows NT and Windows 95. Large images (> 2.88 MB) are not loaded into memory, read and write operations are done directly on image files

    Name:www.piaodown.com  Key:F8947A42


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