
  • 软件大小: 3.09MB
  • 软件语言: 英文
  • 软件类别: 国外软件 | 卸载清除
  • 运行环境: Win9x/NT/2000/XP/
  • 授权方式: 免费版
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  • 更新时间: 2008/10/2 18:24:14
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    DupKiller V0.8.2 绿色版

    DupKiller 电脑使用一段时间后,硬盘上难免存在大量的重复的文件,要想快速、干净的清理这些文件,实在是令人头痛的事情,这个时候你可以考虑使用DupKiller。  DupKiller能够快速搜索出硬盘上那些不再使用的、重复的“垃圾”文件,它的使用方法非常简单。在进行全盘扫描后,DupKiller会给出详细的文件位置和文件夹对比的列表,你可以自行决定哪些应该保留,哪些应该清理掉。如果误删了也不要紧,DupKiller还提供了回收站观察栏,你可以随时恢复那些被误删除的文件。

    DupKiller is a fast and powerful tool for searching and removing duplicate files. The program will find unneeded copies of files in those locations where you even would not consider to search. There is comparison not only by name, last modification date or size. One can compare files by their contents, and what's more, to set what per cent they must match; one can search different-length files, include or exclude files by mask, etc. A lot of scan options helps flexibly customize your search. In addition, unlike another programs of this sort, DupKiller performs all operations faster and better, because of complicated algorithms of data processing built in the search mechanism of the program.

    关键字: DupKiller 绿色版


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