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  • 更新时间: 2008/10/2 18:21:06
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    232Analyzer  v5.1

    232Analyzer 232Analyzer是一款高级串口分析监测软件。方便工程师和软件工程师对串口设备的控制、监控串口的活动状态。
    232Analyzer - RS232 Analyzer
    Designing / debugging a communication project can be very stressful and time-consuming, many software / site engineers get stuck on the protocol before they can actually control a serial device (RS232, RS485, RS422, Modbus, PLC, SCADA, etc.).
    Serial protocol can be very complicated, it requires you not just to understand the context of the protocol and the data format (AscII, Hexadecimal, Binary, etc.), but also to know how to do the Checksum Calculation (Checksum is the additional bytes added at the end of the data string to check the data integrity, Checksum Calculation various from the simplest xOR to sophisticated CRC). Timing is another critical issue as some protocols require acknowledgement/response within milliseconds.

    关键字: Analyzer


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