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  • 软件语言: 英文
  • 软件类别: 国外软件 | 迷你游戏
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  • 授权方式: 免费版
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  • 更新时间: 2007/8/16 8:10:49
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    Flyonoid  v1.6 特别版

    Flyonoid Flyonoid—飞蝇绝地大反攻拯 ,拯救被困在瓶中的昆虫同伴的射击游戏,画面卡通、动作流畅。事情是发生在2009年的4月,一群外星人入侵地球,这是多么可怕的事呀!眼看着地球就要被敌人所占领,身为这个星球一份子的我们,这时应该团结合作,将这些敌人给击退!游戏的方式是操控主角往前行走,他将会随身携带一种基本武器,而且弹药是无限供应,沿途还会出现其它种类的枪枝,但这些武器的弹药就会限定数量。主角最主要的任务是拯救被困在瓶中的昆虫同伴,由于主角的能量有限,所以要沿路寻找「红心」以补充体力,等走到每一条的结点时,将会出现进入下一关的门。操控:←→键,控制行进方向。↓键,蹲下/取物品。↑or ALT键,跳跃。CTRL or SPACE键,发射攻击。F1、F2、F3,选择武器的种类。

    It's 2009, April 38, Monday. No fly with any insect dignity will ever forget this day. This was the day when hordes of alien scum attacked our little green planet. These monstrous green freaks kidnapped all the flies from planet Earth. Right now all the flies from planet Earth are packed inside one-gallon glass jugs and are hidden on five planets. But the flies named John and Hans got lucky. John and Hans stumbled upon the latest model of the alien combat robot. Hans turned out to be a great mechanic. He got inside and started the robot. John, who used to live near the pilots' cafeteria managed to learn the robot's navigation system. They call their robot Flyonoid. Now, with such a powerful weapon in their arsenal, they rush to save their fellow insects.

    关键字: Flyonoid 特别版


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