
  • 软件大小: 9.12MB
  • 软件语言: 英文
  • 软件类别: 国外软件 | 图像处理
  • 运行环境: Win9x/NT/2000/XP/2003
  • 授权方式: 免费版
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  • 更新时间: 2008/10/2 19:35:14
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    Oriens JPEG Pro  1.3

    Oriens JPEG Pro Oriens JPEG Pro 这是一款带有可以赋予你的照片另一种形象的框架,阴影,遮罩,水印和文本等各种不同预设置的综合性全功能 EXIF/IPTC 编辑器和照片编辑器。可以在候选照片上执行编辑和纠正任务然后再复制到和批量处理未经过加工的照片组上并且可以单击处理准备网络使用的文档,从而增加了转换时间和效率。可以使用驱动器重命名技术把来自于媒体(EXIF/IPTC)或者来自于物理属性作品/源图像的信息应用到输出文件上。支持可以获得单幅或者多幅图像的 Twain 设备。可以使用捕获实用工具捕获整个屏幕或者一个可调整区域的屏幕。轻松使用并且不必经过学习培训,复杂的任务由可以照料所有你的未经处理照片的复杂处理任务的用户友好工具代替,而不必需要一名专家。这是一款对于数码相机用户来说必不可少的工具。

    Oriens JPEG Pro - A productivity and automation platform to convert your raw photos into optimized JPEG documents in batch mode. Enhance photo with editing and correctional tasks and replicate to multiple photos and have web-ready documents, albums in a single click.

    Integrates a full-featured EXIF/IPTC editor, a photo editor and various enhancement presets - frame, shadow, mask, watermark and text to give another dimension to your photos. Replicate and batch process group of raw photos with editing and correctional tasks performed on a candidate photo and have web-ready documents in a single click, thereby increasing turnaround time and productivity. Use diverse renaming techniques to output files using information from metadata (EXIF/IPTC) or from the physical properties of the resulting/source image. Supports twain devices with which single or multiple images can be acquired. Use the capture utility to capture a whole screen or a custom re-adjustable region of the screen. With ease of use and less learning curve, complex tasks are superseded by user-friendlier tools which take care of all the sophisticated processing of your raw photos without needing to a professional. A must have tool for every digital camera users.

    关键字: Oriens JPEG Pro


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